The Many Dates and Times of Perl

Some Basic Concepts In order to understand what you might want to do with dates and times, it’s good to have a handle on some basic concepts. Here are some terms that I’ll be using in this article: datetime…

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Writing Perl Modules for CPAN

As Andy Lester points out in this month’s Perl Review, one big advantage of there being so many Perl books around is that the publishers can now get around to putting out books on some of the more "niche" areas…

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Setting: A warm August day, somewhere in Amsterdam. In the bar of Yet Another Hotel. A large number of people are gathered. Judging by their attire, they’re not here for business - or at least not the business of…

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The Lighter Side of CPAN

Programming can be a stressful game. We sit at our machines, day in, day out, endlessly staring at a monitor fathoming where that last devious bug has buried itself. It’s not surprising then that sometimes it gets to be…

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