What's new on CPAN - September 2016

Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- Net::Hadoop::Oozie provides a Perl interface to Apache Oozie REST endpoints and utility methods
- Use HelpSystems Intermapper (network mapping and monitoring) with Net::Intermapper
- DracPerl::Client is a client for Dell’s iDRAC controller
- Get a Perl interface to Cassandra’s native protocol with Cassandra::Client
- Business::Monzo provides a Perl interface for the Monzo API (mobile banking)
Config & Devops
- File::Copy::Verify copies data and compares checksums to verify the file was copied correctly
- Get fast network lookups with (Patricia trie based) JCM::Net::Patricia
- MIME::Detect is another file type detection module. Doesn’t seem to work for files without extensions (but checkout the See Also for useful alternatives).
- Keystone is a Perl module for Keystone, a lightweight multi-architecture assembly library
- Compress::Zstd is a Perl interface to Facebook’s zstd (de)compressor
- Visualize a DBIx::Class schema with DBIx::Class::Visualizer
- Parse FIX market data using FIX::Parser
- Geo::OLC is an encoder/decoder for Google’s Open Location Codes
- JSON schemas can be verbose - create them in shorthand using JSON::Schema::Shorthand
- Range::Merge merges ranges of numbers including subset/superset ranges
Development & Version Control
- Manage the underlying Git data model with Git::Database. Author Philippe Bruhat wrote a blog post about this recently
- Wow, Try/Catch syntax for Perl that’s fast, requires no trailing semicolon and respects
: Syntax::Keyword::Try - Tie::Handle::Filter filters the output to a filehandle through a coderef
- A chip driver for TSL256x: Device::Chip::TSL256x
- RPi::DHT11 can fetch the temperature/humidity from the DHT11 hygrometer sensor on Raspberry Pi
Language & International
- Some new helper modules for Arabic:
- Encode::Arabic::Franco turns Franco/chat Arabic into Arabic
- Lingua::AR::Regexp provides regex character classes for Arabic
- Lingua::AR::Tashkeel provides utility functions for Arabic vowel marks
- Acme::Machi - made me laugh
- DDG is the DuckDuckGo search engine’s Open Source components (a dependency of App::DuckPAN)
Science & Mathematics
- Crypt::Argon2 is a Perl interface to the Argon2 key derivation functions
- Digest::MurmurHash2::Neutral an XS based interface to the endian-neutral MurmurHash2 algorithm
- Generate Pseudorandom Binary Sequences using an Iterator-based Linear Feedback Shift Register with Math::PRBS
This article was originally posted on PerlTricks.com.
David Farrell
David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.
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