What's new on CPAN - March 2019

Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- App::PhotoDB manages photography data
- Get command line utils for identifying module dependencies, function names and more with App::perlutils
- App::rsync::retry wraps Rsync to retry on transfer errors
- Print horizontal rules of different styles ot the terminal with App::term::hr
- Run Perl scripts in AWS Lambda with AWS::Lambda!
- DNS::Unbound provides an interface to NLNetLabs’s recursive DNS resolver
- Download a deck from speakerdeck.com with WWW::Speakerdeck::Download
- Tk::JThumbnail is a file browser implemented in Tk
- Pixela is an activity tracking service, use it from Perl with WebService::Pixela
- Slack::WebHook can post to a Slack webhook with preset layouts and colors
- WebService::ValidSign provides a REST API client for ValidSign, the digital signature app
Config & Devops
- App::ucpan updates CPAN modules with easy-to-read information
- Dotenv supports per-environment configurations, which is the only way to do them in 12 factor apps
- Chart::GGPlot is an ambitious port of ggplot2 to Perl
- Data::Faker::Country provides country and ISO country code data generation
- Graph::Traverse adds a traverse() method for the Graph module
- Syndicate in JSON using JSON::Feed
- Protocol::Database::PostgreSQL is a PostgreSQL wire protocol implementation for Database::Async
- Quickly test if two arrays are identical using Arrays::Same (implemented in XS)
- Control the GPIO pins on the original NTC Chip with Device::NTCChip::GPIO
- Device::Yeelight is a controller for Yeelight smart devices
- Giblog is an HTML blog builder backed by Git
- HTTP::Simple provides a simple procedural interface to HTTP::Tiny
- Remove the Server header from the Mojolicious response using Mojolicious::Plugin::NoServerHeader
- Mojolicious::Plugin::TextExceptions renders exceptions as text for command line user agents
- Use Wordpress as a headless CMS with Mojolicious::Plugin::Wordpress
- Catch unreachable code after a Catalyst
using Perl::Critic::Policy::Catalyst::ProhibitUnreachableCode
David Farrell
David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.
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