What's new on CPAN - June 2017

Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. The Perl Conference NA was held in June and the talks are on YouTube. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- App::BorgRestore restores paths from borg backups
- Net::Async::Slack provides async Slack messaging
- Trade bitcoin, ether et al using WebService::CoinSpot
- Use the Globus research data sharing service with Acme::Globus
- Build and sign GDAX REST request using Finance::GDAX::API
- REST integration with icinga2 using Monitoring::Icinga2::Client::REST
- WWW::Zotero::Write provides a Perl interface to the Zotero Write API
Config & Devops
- Send messages over serial ports using IPC::Serial
- List out of date author prereqs with Module::CheckDep::Version
- PPIx::Utils has been separated from PPI
- Win32::Ldd tracks dependencies for Windows EXE and DLL files
- lib::relative adds paths relative to the current file to @INC
- List::Flat provides functions to flatten array references
- List::Haystack an immutable list utility to find elements
- Data::Dx can dump data structures with name and point-of-origin
- Hash::GuavaRing get consistent ring hashing using guava hash (explained here
Development & Version Control
- Asynchronously process stream data with Async::Stream
- Interesting: use names beginning with control for punctuation variables using English::Control
- PPR Pattern-based Perl Recognizer - Damian’s PPI alternative
- Get a pure Perl method keyword; Method::Signatures::PP (uses PPR)
- Not another Moose clone, Moxie is Stevan Little’s new OO system
- TAP::Harness::BailOnFail bail’s on remaining tests after first failure
- Test::Compiles tests if perl can compile a string of code
- Test::Expr test an expression with better error messages
- Output the lines of code that resulted in a failure using Test2::Plugin::SourceDiag
- Perl Interface to HIDAPI with Device::HID
- Interface to the I2C bus on the Raspberry Pi using RPi::I2C
- Rdirect Printer::ESCPOS output to a PDF file instead of a printer with Printer::ESCPOS::PDF
- SPVM Fast calculation, GC, static typing, VM with perlish syntax
Science & Mathematics
- Recognize passphrases using Tarsnap’s scrypt algorithm using Authen::Passphrase::Scrypt
- Get blind signatures via Crypt::RSA::Blind and Crypt::ECDSA::Blind
- Cuckoo::Filter is a Cuckoo Filter implementation in perl
- Geo::Compass::Variation can accurately calculate magnetic declination and inclination
- Don’t get banned! Throttle requests to a site with LWP::UserAgent::Throttled
- Get JSON Web token auth with Plack using Plack::Middleware::Auth::JWT
- Store sessions in Redis using Plack::Session::Store::RedisFast
- Rapi::Blog is a RapidApp-powered blog. Also see Henry’s TPC NA talk
- Template::Compiled compiles templates into coderefs
- Automate the Chrome browser using WWW::Mechanize::Chrome
This article was originally posted on PerlTricks.com.
David Farrell
David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.
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