What's new on CPAN - February 2019

Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- App::termpub is an epub reader for the terminal
- WebService::TaxJar provides a simple client to TaxJar’s REST API
- Geocode strings using datasciencetoolkit (US & UK) Geo::Coder::DataScienceToolkit
- Query RightScale for server info using RightScale::Query
- Three new distributions for IP address APIs by Kang Meng:
Config & Devops
- Disable the touchpad when a mouse is connected using App::DTWMIC
- Parse, manipulate and validate CloudFormation documents with Cfn
- Dynamically inject data into static data with Data::MethodProxy
- Log::MixedColor logs messages in different colors
- More easily use platform libraries provided by pkg-config with Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig
- Diff cnf and ini files using App::mycnfdiff
- Data::Hopen is a build tool (e.g. make) with first-class edges and explicit dependencies
- DataStruct::Flat flattens nested data structures into a hash of key pair values
- Parse and cache spreadsheets for faster repeat processing with Spreadsheet::Read::Ingester
- Decode audio/video files using LibVLC with VideoLAN::LibVLC
- YottaDB is a Perl interface to the NoSQL YottaDB database
Development & Version Control
- AnyEvent::XSPromises this Promises library is implemented in XS for performance
- Alternatively, Promise::ES6 provides ES6-style promises
- Create tiny classes with read-only attributes using Class::Tiny::Immutable
- Test2::Tools::FFI provides routines for convenient FFI testing
Science & Mathematics
- Perform matrix operations and LUP decomposition using Math::MatrixLUP
David Farrell
David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.
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