What's new on CPAN - February 2017

Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- Facebook Messenger Send API using Facebook::Messenger::Client
- Taskwarrior::Kusarigama provides a plugin system for the Taskwarrior task manager
- WebService::Fitbit can get, post and delete Fitbit API data
- Get a perly interface to the Foreman API using WWW::Foreman::API
Config & Devops
- Get a CPANTS Kwalitee Report using CPANTS::Kwalitee::Report
- Read large directories over NFS with Linux::NFS::BigDir
- Geo::Coordinates::Converter::LV03 converts Swiss LV03 coordinates to WSG84 and vice versa
- Hadoop::Inline::ClassLoader loads Hadoop Java classes via Inline::Java
- PDF::Tiny is a lightweight PDF parser
- Convert JSON via an IO layer with PerlIO::via::json
- Get a raw quote operator for Perl with Syntax::Keyword::RawQuote
Development & Version Control
- Autoload::AUTOCAN provides some sugar for autoloading methods
- Treat environment variables as arrays with Env::ShellWords
- Git::Repo::Commits gets all commits in a repository
- Part of the new MOP framework, Method::Traits adds coderefs to methods via subroutine attributes
- Piper is a flexible, iterable pipeline engine with automatic batching with a great name
- Proc::tored manages a process using a pid file. Check out Proc::tored::Pool for an example implementation
- Amazon::Dash::Button let’s you use your Amazon dash button for anything
- Get a perly interface to the Revolt USB Dongle PX-1674-675 using Device::USB::PX1674
- Steve Bertrand released more RaspberryPi goodies:
- RPi::BMP180 - interface to the BMP180 barometric pressure sensor
- RPi::DAC::MCP4922 - interface to the MCP49x2 series digital to analog converters (DAC) over the SPI bus
- See his recent blog post about it
Language & International
- Compare visually similar strings with String::Similex
- Ucam::Term returns information about the start and end dates of terms at the University of Cambridge
- Date::Tolkien::Shire::Data provides functionality for Shire calendars.
Science & Mathematics
- Bio::Phylo::Forest::DBTree provides a Bio::Phylo-like API for large phylogenies
- Partition a number into addition sequences with Math::Partition::Rand
- Get Kruskall-Wallis statistics and test using Statistics::ANOVA::KW
- Dancer2::Plugin::EditFile - easily edit a text file from a Dancer2 app
- Email::Mailer aims to be a “multi-purpose emailer for HTML, auto-text, attachments, and templates”
This article was originally posted on PerlTricks.com.
David Farrell
David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.
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