What's new on CPAN - August 2017

Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- Android::ADB is a thin wrapper over the
command - API::Drip::Request provides a Perl interface to api.getdrip.com, the email marketer
- Use Google’s Safe Browsing v4 API with Net::Google::SafeBrowsing4
- WebService::AntiCaptcha provides a Perl interface to the captcha-defeating service
- Use Threat Stack’s security and compliance API with WebService::ThreatStack
- Game::Tibia::Cam can parse the MMORPG TibiCam files and convert them to pcaps
- Use the Gnome IO library (GIO) with Perl using Glib::IO
- WWW::Subsonic provides an interface to the Subsonic media server API
- Parse binary netflow data with Data::Netflow
- Tired of object dumps polluting the terminal? Data::Tersify reduces the output to something useful
- FormValidator::Tiny is a teeny but useful data validator
- Parse JSON containing JavaScript-style comments using JSON::WithComments
- Use Tarantool’s RTREE data indexing functions in Perl with DR::R
Development & Version Control
- Use Railway Oriented Programming for error handling, and simplify your code with Error::ROP
- Getopt::EX supports user defined options and additional parameter processing logic
- Simplify attribute declarations with MooX::ShortHas and Mu
- Share objects between processes using Patro
- PerlX::AsyncAwait async/await keywords in pure Perl, comes with author safety warning ☢
- Include Pod from other files with nice syntax using Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Include
- Test::Alien::CPP provides testing tools for C++ Alien modules
- Render a table like “docker ps” does with Text::Yeti::Table
- XS::Check can detect common errors in XS files
- Device::Chip::AnalogConverters is a collection of chip drivers
- Get a Perl interface to libusb with USB::LibUSB
Science & Mathematics
- Finance::Loan::Repayment is a simple loan calculator
- Use polyline algorithms with Math::Vector::Real::Polyline
- Calculate the Shannon entropy H of a given input string using Shannon::Entropy
- Mojo::DOM::Role::PrettyPrinter can pretty print DOMs
- Parse and encode XMLRPC messages using the Mojo stack via Mojo::XMLRPC
- MojoX::Validate::Util provides a collection of data validation routines
- Use Futures in Mojo applications with Mojolicious::Plugin::Future
- OpenAPI::Client is a client for talking to an Open API server
- Check HTTP response bodies are zipped with WWW::CheckGzip
This article was originally posted on PerlTricks.com.
David Farrell
David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.
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