What's new on CPAN - May 2018

Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- Access the AcousticBrainz API using WebService::AcousticBrainz
- Add, modify and delete products from the Bing Merchant Center platform using Bing::ContentAPI
- Qgoda is a new static site generator with a fancy website
- WebService::Pokemon is another interface for the Pokémon API
- WebService::RESTCountries provides a Perly interface to the REST Countries API
- WebService::Swapi interfaces with the Star Wars API
Config & Devops
- Docker::Registry is a client for talking to Docker Registries
- IO::K8s provides objects representing things in the Kubernetes API
- Kubectl::CLIWrapper Module to use the Kubernetes API via the kubectl CLI
- Add support for window functions to DBIx::Class using DBIx::Class::Helper::ResultSet::WindowFunctions
- Path::Class::Tiny has the interface of Path::Class but uses Path::Tiny under the hood
Development & Version Control
- Acme::UNIVERSAL::can::t is a brilliant module: use it to discover which methods an object can’t do :-)
- App::Prove::Plugin::TermTable sets the size of the console for Term::Table (useful for Test2 based tests)
- “The beginning of a Perl universe” - Dot is a new object system for Perl
- Run code and optinally reverse it with Eval::Reversible
- JavaScript::V8::CommonJS provides module loading support to https://metacpan.org/pod/JavaScript::V8
- Test2::Tools::JSON::Pointer can compare parts of a JSON string to a data structure using JSON pointers
- Skip tests until a date is reached using Test2::Tools::SkipUntil
- Types::Bool provides boolean object types for Perl
- RPi::RTC::DS3231 is an interface to the DS3231 Real-Time Clock IC over I2C
Science & Mathematics
- App::Sandy is a bioinformatic tool to generate single/paired ends for a fasta file
- Store and check password using Argon2 with Authen::Passphrase::Argon2
- Manage a hierarchy of Data::MuForm classes with Data::MuFormX::Registry
- Mojo::SAML is a SAML2 toolkit using the Mojo stack
- Stor is file storage retrieval API implemented over HTTP
- TaskPipe is a YAML-driven framework for managing scrapers
David Farrell
David is the editor of Perl.com. An organizer of the New York Perl Meetup, he works for ZipRecruiter as a software developer, and sometimes tweets about Perl and Open Source.
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