What's new on CPAN - May 2014
Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure.
- Install a local ImageMagic with Alien::ImageMagick. No more hacks!
- Alien::SamTools will install the SamTools C libs and headers
- Activiti::Rest::Client provides an API for Activit, the open source workflow and BPM platform
- Use the decNumber C library with Math::decNumber
- Sensu::API::Client is an API client for Sensu, an open source monitoring framework
- Sentry is an exceptions tracking service and Sentry::Raven provides an API for it
- WWW::Liquidweb::Lite provides an API for Liquidweb hosting
- Access the OANDA exchange rates API with WebService::OANDA::ExchangeRates
- App::CSE implements the Code Search Engine as an app
- Run multiple apps in command with App::Munner
- App::Table2YAML will convert tables to YAML
- App::revealup is an awesome app that converts markdown documents into an HTTP served slideshow with revealup.js - check it out.
- Perl’s compile-only mode doesn’t always load modules in the correct order or location. App::perlminlint aims to fix that (current version 0.1 needs a minor patch)
Capulcu::Bot is a highly customizable and modular IRC bot
Several new Bot::Cobalt plugins for:
- Bitly
- Figlet
- Urban Dictionary
- RandomQuote
- SeenURL (URLs already linked)
- Debug Perl data structures with Data::Debug
- Data::Validate::Perl will validate Perl data structures using a Parse::Yapp grammar
- Data::EDI::X12 will process EDI x12 documents
- Safely slurp files again with File::Slurp::Sane
- Render SVG as a Cairo surface with Image::CairoSVG
- MARC::Parser::RAW parses MARC records in a fault-tolerant way
- Easily generate Marpa parsers using MarpaX::Simple
- MemcacheDBI implements a memcache queue for DBI commands
- Given an input, SQL::Type::Guess attempts to derive the correct SQL column datatype
- Parse TOML with TOML::Parser
Development & System Administration
Command::Interactive provides a command line interface for process invocation, e.g. capture a password and launch a process with the captured password.
Curses! New widgets Curses::UI::Number and Curses::UI::Time
New Dist::Zilla plugins:
- Prevent an accidental release with BlockRelease
- Get a count of RT and Github issues with CheckIssues
- ContributorsFromPod updates your META file with contributors from your module’s POD
- Dynamically inject Makefile pre-reqs during installation with DynamicPrereqs (useful for platform specific reqs).
- ModuleBuildTiny::Fallback creates a Build.PL file using Module::Build::Tiny if it’s available
Zilla::Dist creates Perl distributions from an acmeist (language agnostic) source structure
Log::Minimal::Object provides an OO interface for Log::Minimal
Add roles to Moo objects at runtime with MooX::Traits
MooseX::Enumeration adds enumerated types for Moose classes, woohoo!
Create configurable stack traces with Stacktrace::Configurable
Maths, Science & Language
- Easily translate compass points with Compass::Points
- Date::QuarterOfYear parses dates and returns the year quarter, without using the heavy DateTime module
- Parse words into known and unknown parts with Lingua::Word::Parser
- Manipulate text case with String::CamelSnakeKebab (ported from Clojure)
- Draw braille characters at the terminal with Term::Drawille
- Crypt::Polybius implements the Polybius Square cipher
- Passwords is a simple API for hashing and validating passwords
Catalyst::Model::Net::Stripe provides a Catalyst model using Net::Stripe (the payments service)
Implement a stronger Dancer session id with Dancer::Plugin::SecureSessionID
HTTP::Request::AsCurl converts an HTTP::Request object into a curl command
New Mojolicious toys!:
- Support offline web applications with AppCacheManifest
- Clear an upsteam cache with CachePurge
- RenderSteps helps you create async controllers with minimal code
- Easily manage thumbnails using Thumbnail
- TimeAgo elegantly convert dates to human-readable dates
Plack::App::HostMap can dispatch requests to applications based on host names, in constant time
This article was originally posted on PerlTricks.com.
David Farrell
David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.
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